Riviera HC offers wonderful conditions for sea recreation combined with comprehensive health care. Sea and mineral water and the specific climate are the main natural resources underlying the concept of health tourism development.
In the Riviera Beach Medical Spa center, the main directions are recreational-sports and curative-prophylactic balneo activity.
We offer various procedures for the prevention and treatment of:
*The mineral water comes from a hydrothermal spring, located in a ecologic area on the territory of the holiday resort.
Slightly mineralized
Slightly alkaline
Rich in trace elements
Hydrogen sulfide
The mineral water is: slightly mineralized (543mg/l), thermal (38˚C), slightly alkaline (7.4 PH), rich in trace elements. It is suitable for external balneotherapy in the form of baths, inhalations and compresses.
The center is equipped with hydromassage baths with the possibility of underwater massage.
The healing mud that is used is rich in trace elements, salts, organic and inorganic substances, biostimulators and vitamins. It finds a good application in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. As a result of the applications, a number of changes occur in the metabolism, which accompany the restorative and healing processes.
Physiotherapy devices are used for low, medium and high frequency treatment, vacuum therapy device, ultrasound, magnet, light therapy and ultraviolet therapy devices, inhalers, oxygen concentrator, press therapy device, passive electromuscular stimulation device and innovative resonance magnetophoretic device – Gunaphoresis.
Our qualified specialists - kinesitherapists and rehabilitators prepare individual movement and recovery programs and conduct appropriate therapeutic gymnastics.
Water therapeutic gymnastics is suitable for people with degenerative joint and bone joint diseases, and people with reduced mobility. Gymnastics is led by a qualified specialist - a physiotherapist. The water in the indoor pool is mineral and this further favors healing processes. The temperature is optimal - around 30-32 degrees Celsius, which in turn promotes better relaxation of tense and painful muscle groups.
A modern treatment method in which the ultrasound wave is combined with the action of healing gels and ointments. It is most often used for problems related to the musculoskeletal system such as disc herniations, rheumatism, injuries, etc. and diseases of the peripheral nervous system - radiculitis, plexitis, sciatica, discopathy, pain syndrome, etc.
It uses the beneficial healing power of the magnetic field to support the recovery process of tissues in case of trauma, as well as to relieve the pain of rheumatism. It is successfully used for problems related to the cardiovascular and nervous system, as well as for inflammatory and chronic joint or lung processes.
It has a thermal effect on the skin, thermal erythema in the tissues, hyperemia, dilates blood and lymphatic vessels, which improves lymph and blood circulation, disperses inflammatory processes and reduces spasm of smooth and transversely striated muscles, and has a pain-relieving effect. It is used for sinusitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, paresis of the facial nerve, plexitis, myalgias.
A procedure in which the healing substances contained in the mineral water and in the various medications are breathed in. They have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and restorative effects. They support the healing process. They are indicated for colds, nasopharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. They have a particularly beneficial effect on asthmatic diseases.
This method is similar to low frequency current therapy. The therapeutic effect of the use of interference current is associated with its physiological effect on the body. These currents cause the improvement of peripheral blood circulation, tissue metabolism, the check-out of biologically active substances (which creates a condition for an anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect). It has a good effect in the treatment of neuralgia, plexitis, radiculitis, sprains, post-fracture conditions, dislocations, muscle pains, spasms.
The Gunaphoresis device is widely used both for pain treatment and in aesthetic medicine and cosmetics.